Office for rent at Boralesgamuwa.
Yard for rent at Boralesgamuwa

Boralesgamuwa- Facing Colombo- Horana Main Road, 51 Perch bare land with well secured 8′ feet right round parapet wall for rent or lease for a company. Pipe born water & Electricity, Security hut available. High Flat solid land never goes under water. Ideal for vehicle yard + office, Storage , Vehicle sale etc etc. Previously …
Land for rent at Boralesgamuwa
Land for rent /Sale

Land consist of 37 Perches at the Rear Entrance of the KDU complex ( Hospital, Hotel , etc.,) at Werahera for Sale or lease . In close proximity to KDU university, Technical college( DTET) Places of work shop, Keels, Cargills, American International school & easy access to Boralsgamuwa & Ratmalana. Land consist of right round …